After a minor panic attack this week about my poorly crafted website, I finally revised it...and revised it...and revised it. I'll probably just keep on making little revisions, so I welcome your comments and criticism.

I work for the Corporate Web Manager at Cumulus Media. She's really sweet and funny and quirky. The days go really fast because Cumulus owns hundreds of radio stations and there's a lot of turnover, so there's always lots to do with web and graphics maintenance. Mostly, I've been doing technical stuff, like organizing, cleaning up and formatting existing logos and layouts for the web. But my boss really wants to have me start doing more creative work so I can add to my portfolio. Yesterday I got to create a button for a Gospel radio station in Tallahassee.

It's only a little web graphic but it was exciting to see something I made somewhere other than blogger or facebook.
The other great part about work is I actually work at the station. KFOG, The Bone and KNBR all broadcast from the building where I work. So, on my first day, I got to sit in on a private performance by Snow Patrol that radio listeners won tickets to go to!
Also I can work promotional events and concerts for the radio stations, which is pretty cool. I worked at a football viewing party in Dublin, CA, giving out promotional materials for The Bone and the SF 49ers. I got to drive "the rig" which I was expecting to be a huge tractor trailer, but was really just a large van/truck/suv thing with the station's logo on the side.
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