Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Carnival Squash: A lot of work ... for not that much fun

When I was search of some healthy eats at Whole Foods recently, the display of colorful fall gourds caught my eye. The most vibrant of them all were the carnival squash. They were too hard to pass up! I bought one, and tried to prepare it last night. There weren't too many recipes online (which should have been my first clue) but from the options I saw, I decided to bake it.

After cutting the squash in half and scooping out the seeds, I seasoned it with olive oil and spices and placed the two halves on a baking pan and popped it in the oven. I was expecting it to take about half an hour to cook, but it was over an hour before it even started to get tender. I'm not patient enough for that kind of time commitment!

When I couldn't wait anymore, I pulled it out of the oven. It looked pretty yummy, but didn't really taste that great. It had the texture of an undercooked baked potato, but more stringy and not much flavor even with the added spices. hmm. Clearly I've done something wrong here. Hoping to redeem myself, I cut out the inside and mashed it up. It didn't improve the texture much. I also baked the seeds, which were kind of like pumpkin seeds. Not bad, but not worth the time it took to clean them and then scrub at the strainer for ten minutes trying to get the little fibers out.
Is my lack of culinary savvy to blame for this failed attempt? Certainly. Will I be running out to get another Carnival Squash to hone my skills? I'd rather join the circus.


  1. I'm not patient enough for that kind of time commitment!

    YOU?! NEVER! ;)

    So with the 40th anniversary of Sesame Street going on, I've been thinking of you and our fave jams, ie "Jellyman Kelly," "Would You Like to Buy an O?" and the Alpha Quest song ("Got to ABC what's there... GOT TO ABCD-ECIDE!")

    Also, I'm apparently in love with caps lock today. WOO!

  2. WHERE'S THE DOOR I HAVEN'T TRIED?? (It's hard to leave when you can't find the door isn't it?)

    AHBUTMOSTOFALL, I have to say that I miss our video/audio rituals! like listening to every clip of Real Men of Genius known to man! Or Veggie Tales! I buy Puffins Cereal which is made by Barbara's Bakery, so every time i eat it for breakfast, I sit staring at the box and all i can think is "Barbara's Bakery! You are the one for me! Sent from up above! You are the one I love!!" and it sucks because you're not there to do backup (we might have trouble dancing!)

  3. I KNOW!!! I miss our many audio/visual inside jokes too! Ah, Real Men of Genius! When I was in CA, and we were driving home from the airport, we heard a Real Men of Genius commercial, and it was Mr. Scoreboard Proposal Guy! AAAHHH my fear in life!!! (Well, if I'm not a spinster, that is!) And I miss quoting Eddie Izzard and Kevin James (don't think your post title escaped me!) every five seconds! And, of course, some classic redhead witticisms: "I hate boys!" Well, you know the rest... ;) I wish I could participate in your Barbara's Bakery mayhem as well! ("Oh Bar-ba-ra! I've learned to dance!")
