Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Staying Put!

Today marks four weeks since I arrived in California, and the first day in my new room! Last night I carted my things to the nearest MUNI station and said goodbye to SoMa. The people I stayed with at the last two apartments were undoubtedly awesome, but I was glad to have a change of venue. As my CCA advisor put it, SoMa is kind of a ghost town. It's a desolate industrial area that apparently became a no-man's-land after the dot com crash.

Now until the end of the semester, I'll be living in Potrero, just a few minutes walk from school! The apartment is lovely and I have the beautiful front room facing the street with 3 big bay windows, a big bed, desk, and shelving. Since it's up on the hill, you get a beautiful view of the city!

Last night after I arrived, I went for dinner with my landlady, her daughter, and the woman upstairs to Dos PiƱas, my favorite lunch spot near school. Cheap delicious Mexican food. Yes, please!

I can't believe how quickly the time has passed since I arrived on the west coast! I won't deny that there have been more than a few times when I wanted to get the h-e-double-hockey-sticks out of here, but, it seems like I really haven't gotten to know the city very well yet. So, I'm hopeful that once I do some exploring, I will really enjoy living here.

I've got to admit, it's getting better.
It's getting better all the time.
It can't get no worse.


  1. sanfran has such cute rooms!! --katie

  2. Felicidades para tu cuarto. Soy feliz que usted pueda andar educar sin coche.

    Tia Dee

  3. Muy bien, Paulina!! Soy feliz tambien!!!

    Muchos abrazos,
    Su tia,
